Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

April 3, 2023

Spring is coming

 Dear Bloggers,


It is on its way, Spring. We celebrate that the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the first buds are budding, the sky is blue again. Above all, move with the rhythm of this season, because there is no period more suitable for a fresh start than spring.


Sunset at the harbour of Langweer (©Passantenhaven Langweer)

Everything starts up again.

Spring is eminently symbolic of new beginnings. Just look around you. Nature is slowly awakening from its hibernation. The bare branches still seem asleep now, but the spectacle is about to begin. The first buds come out, and then suddenly the party erupts in an explosion of blossom. Along the way, you already see loads of crocuses and snowdrops, and here and there the daffodils are coming out of the ground. The old is cleared away and makes room for the new. With spring, the cycle begins a new round.



Go Outside

This great reversal does not only apply to nature. After a period of stillness, inner peace, and relaxation, it is also time for us as humans to turn outwards. To leave the past behind and set new ideas in motion. Get clean by cleaning your house, for example. Get outside and meet new people. Enjoy every ray of sunshine there is. Open the windows, clear out stuff you no longer need and feel your home fill with new life energy, using your emotions and thoughts as wonderful tools to live it to the full. Once you have mastered this steering of positive thinking, you can turn your deepest desires and most beautiful dreams into reality.


Young, fresh energy

Spring represents cheerfulness, optimism, and bursts of joyfulness. You can feel the energy around you changing. Move with that young and fresh energy and get outside. Be aware of everything around you and look for every sign of spring. Feel the freshly cut grass under your feet, the spring breeze through your hair and enjoy to the full. Feel how it comes in and how it touches you and lock spring in your heart. What a wonderful feeling.


Creation and innovative ideas

You will find that because of this renewed energy from the sun and experiencing your surroundings, innovative ideas come to you more easily. You see possibilities and are often brimming with inspiration. Go for creation preferably do something with your ideas and freshen up your home for example with a new and fresh coat of paint, or a fresh piece of wallpaper and if you do not have a lot of money to spare, a good clean-up and purification can also be very satisfying. It gives a feeling linked to spring. It is the place for new beginnings, to make all your dreams and goals come true.


Benefits of Modern Seasonal Celebrations

The first day of each season is a wonderful opportunity to pause and connect with nature. Seasonal celebrations are affordable, nature-based, and as easy as you want them to be. It is nice to take a time-out from the clock’s relentless march forward occasionally to appreciate what’s happening in the natural world: What the sky looks like, what local wildlife are up to, which birds are hanging out at the neighborhood pond, and whether the leaves are budding, falling, or mulching the gardens.

Seasonal celebrations are also a suitable time to reflect on the lessons the season imparts. Fall teaches us about the inevitability of loss. Winter shows us the importance of inactivity in plants and animal life, darkness, and stillness. Spring shows the possibility of rebirth. And the bounties of summer are endless. Its light, warmth, and lush crops.

Create some spring traditions this year!

What better time than spring to start some new family traditions? Pick activities that you will want to do year after year and ones that will make the day relaxing and special for you and your family.

Decorate your surroundings.

Collect spring flowers, cherry buds, or whatever symbolizes springtime in your family and display them on a mantle or tabletop. Place bouquets of crocuses, daffodils, tulips, or dandelions around the house. so, they wake up to fresh flowers on the first day of spring.


The days are getting longer. Go outside on the first day of spring to watch the sun rise and set. Find out what time the sun will rise and set where you live. Go on a walk or hike and identify wildflowers if they are already sprouting in your area. Or visit a local farm and see if you can get a glimpse of calves, lambs, or chicks in the barnyard. Gardening season is here! Spend some time planning your springtime garden. Have each family member pick a favorite flower or plant to sow in honor of the first day of spring. Designate a special garden and make a ceremony of it.


And chilly days aren’t over yet, so on these days grab a warm drink and sit down with a great book or a nice magazine. Just reflect the past time and look forward to warmer weather. That brings you in the mood for the weeks to come.


Easter is part of spring and yes, it is fun to decorate hard-boiled eggs with harmless paint and even if your kids have grown up it gives a great feeling to do something that you love. Release your inner child and enjoy the time doing something with your hands and it is good for your brain to get creative.

 “Do not be afraid. Change is such a beautiful thing,” said the Butterfly.”

The Old Sailor,


April 27, 2013

What if you start hating your job?

Dear Bloggers,

Someone I know is having a hard time at the moment as the atmosphere on the workfloor has become less human and more stressful as the chefs only think in digits. This is creating a lot of stress among the co workers as well and slowly she starts hating her job.

I was taught as a young boy to never to use the word “hate”. As there are many other words to choose from. You probably don’t use this word in your house very much either (I hope).

I agree it’s far too strong a word to use when it comes to describing the opposing football team or even a workplace bully.But the reality was for the longest time…

She hates her job, and is afraid to admit it.

If she admits it, would that mean that she’d been wasting her time with all of the energy and hours she has invested in this company?
This question had me concerned, and I discovered that if you hate your job you’re going to burnout.

It’s not a matter of “if”, but “when”.

Also if you hate your job, you’re not fooling anyone. It’s obvious. Hating your job shows up in how you walk into the office, how you answer the phone, and how you participate in meetings.

The easiest way to tell if you hate your job is that it shows up in your language. I had to find some facts about how people think about this issue.

In fact 183 people actually said that on Twitter on Monday before 7 am (I did a Twitter search on “I hate my job”).

Scary, huh?

Most of us don’t actually say it because it feels really uncomfortable.If we’re not actually saying those words it can still show up in more subtle ways like:
  • You avoid telling people what you do for a living.
  • You never share how your work day went with your family.
  • You’ve got worries of impending work doom spinning through your head on Sunday night (dreading Monday mornings).
You can also see it coming if you frequently catch yourself saying, “another day, another dollar” or “I’ve got to go the work today” (instead of “I get to go to work today”).

When you hate your job, you’ll find lots of varied emotions…Each one of the emotions has their own story.
In this case, emotions are predispositions for action.Your emotion comes first and that inspires the action. Imagine if you’re showing up at the office in emotions of resentment, anger, and resignation when you enter the office doors?

The Physical Impact of Hating your Job

When you hate your job it takes a physical toll.The body tension generated from hating your job can lead to all kinds of health related issues. The one that I experienced was an overall tightness at work that started showing up at home and even at being on the push bike.

When you show up this way every day it starts to have a cumulative effect. You can even feel your body cringe when you walk in the door. After awhile you may be slumped at your desk and start finding your muscles tightening especially in your shoulders, hamstrings and lower back. And this is also draining your energy, it makes you extremely tired.
If you’re stuck in this body shape all the time it can tough consequences. This can lead to your body being into a permanent uncomfortable shape of leaning with shoulders forward, a slight bend at the waste, and head down. First of all you need to try to find a way to stop hating your job and if this is not working go find the energy to get an other job.

How do you stop hating your job

The good news is that you can try to stop the job hating and transform your job into one you love. I like to recommend stopping a few things first because that seems to take less energy (versus starting something new).

Here are a few things you can stop doing now to stop hating your job.

Looking Busy

Speak up if you not using your capacity.  The trap can be to get into a job where you using 10% of your capabilities. Often times the corporate environments silently encourages employees to get into a position where they are an expert and know how to do their job.  That’s nice, but sometimes it’s too comfortable and you lose your hunger for creativity and innovation.  You get bored.  You lose your edge.  If you’re using what you can really bring to the table then let someone know and start considering adding something your interested in to your plate.

Hanging around with Co-workers (at least the gripers)
If everyone was complaining about their job at the last happy hour you attended, then stop going with them.  Begin seeking out those people who love their job and go get coffee with them. This has an amazing impact because just as griping is infectious, so is passion!

Bonus Tip *Answer yourself the question “Why?” – Why are you working?  This is the supercharger for all careers. When you connect with the “why” you’re career will take off. You’ll find energy in places you never knew, you’ll wake-up early, and maybe even be disappointed that the work day ends!

The Old Sailor,

August 5, 2010


Dear Bloggers,

I have been trying to write but did not find the right inspiration.

It is a hard job to get inspired, I have been trying many different ways but unfortunatly no result.

Normally a few drinks and some cigarettes do the magic, not this time.

The Old Sailor,

Why did I become more emotional and cry more as I get older?

  Dear Bloggers, I have noticed that as I have aged (now 56), I cry so much more easily than I did when I was younger. I wonder why this is...