Showing posts with label chocolade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chocolade. Show all posts

December 6, 2009

How do I not get the rainy day blues

Dear Bloggers,

If, like me, you are out of work, you might be feeling a bit lazy this week, and you are wondering why it’s harder to be motivated. Well the clocks have been turned back qiute q while ago, the evenings have been getting darker and colder, and daylight is not that much as it is raining nearly every day. I know it is not very attractive to go outside for a walk and it’s all too easy for the wintertime blues to set in.

Many people experience having less energy when the clocks go back; this is mainly due a decline in the feel-good hormone seratonin, which requires plenty of sunshine to keep it topped up, and that is why chocolate can be your best friend on miserable moments it contains a small amount seratonin and if your like me it might turn into brain fog and depression. I will not let this happen but also healthy people are at risk in this case. If you are being used to a stressful life, it might bring you down and hit you all of a sudden. There is a lot that you can do yourself by being positive and as active as possible.

Soon the hardest time of the year is knocking on our doors and a lot of people will suffer from buying christmas present stress. The big mistake they are making is that the gift has to be superb, at least that is what they think. If I need to get out and buy gifts, I will go with a budget and I buy things that are given by heart, instead of how popular these things are.

The good part of going shopping is that you can have your daily physical exercise and you are doing something usefull with your time. If you go to a shoppingmall the weather does not affect you at all. Although in most of the stores it is far too hot for this time of year.

If there is a dry moment in the day, you can go exercise such as biking it can actually stimulate production of seratonin and keep down the blues, if you can get up the and find the energy to do your workout in the first place.

This is where natural energy boosters can be useful. Sunlight is the most obvious one; walking to work, taking a stroll on your lunchbreak or moving your desk next to a large window all help you get your daily dose of super sunlight – the cheapest performance-enhancer available. For those who are unable to see daylight during the week (night workers for example) they should work under artificial daylight lamps or who have a weakness for gadgets, there are indoor therapy lamps available which claim to mimic the effect natural light has on maintaining seratonin levels to boost mood, productivity and energy levels.

Foods rich in tryptophan (a building block for seratonin production) can help balance mood and sleep patterns to prevent energy drops. Good sources in the diet include turkey meat, yoghurt, cottage cheese, oats, nuts and seeds, which are also good energy foods for athletics.
For a quick-fix against being washed out, ginger root has been shown to stimulate the brain and improve your energy levels, so making you more likely to get up and get the the motivation to get started. If that doesn’t kick you into action, nothing will!

The Old Sailor,

May 9, 2008

Wat is de schepping toch mooi

Het is toch prachtig wat onze schepper heeft gecreeerd.
Dit is toch wat de heer heeft bedoeld met het paradijs!
Het is ook niet vreemd dat Eva verleid werd door de slang.
Ze had natuurlijk Adam wel, maar kon die haar wel genoeg bieden?
Want ja, het valt natuurlijk als man niet mee om een vrouw volledig aan haar trekken te laten komen.
Al doen wij mannen ons uiterste best bij de meesten is het met een daad van gemiddeld 10 minuten toch wel achter de rug.
Het vergt nogal wat inspanning van de gemiddelde man om het voor en na spel te verrichten.
We zijn nogal gericht op de daad zelf, de zogeheten voortplantingsdrang.
Maar het is en blijft natuurlijk vreselijk lekker.
Ook al mag je er alleen maar naar kijken.
Volgens de bijbel snoepte ze van de appel, tegenwoordig eet ze chocolade en dat is nou juist een killer voor de seks dirve.
En ik zou dan ook ter plekke alle chocola willen verbieden.
Dit is meer uit eigen belang want minder chocolade betekent dat je meer seks kan verwachten.
Dus trek al je kleding uit en neuk of je leven ervan afhangt.
Doe je best om haar te plezieren, dan geniet jezelf nog het meest.

De Old Sailor,

When Trauma takes over your Brain

Dear Bloggers, First of all let me begin I wish you a happy 2025. New Year's Eve hasn't been much of a celebration for me for more...