Yesterday morning I had to consult my doctor due to some earlier done bloodtests as my hands have been painful all day long for the last three months. When I phoned two weeks ago for the results the doctor’s assistant advised me to make an appointment after his holidays as there were some matters to discuss about my bloodtest. Today was the day that I made the step into his office, the results kind of overwhelmed me as many wheels had to be set in motion from today on.

My new hobby as I cannot eat them anymore
I was diagnosed as a diabetic type 2 and my cholesterol levels were to high as well. Unfortunately I was not that surprised as diabetics are quite common in my family and I knew that my chances were reasonable to become a diabetic. Still when the doctor tells you this it is a bitter pill. I need to lose weight to get a better Hemoglobin a1c count as this was far too high. F*** my day was spoiled but on the other hand there was an explaination for a lot of funny symptoms that I developped the last few months. This is what he told me and actually warned me for.
Type 2 diabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are too high because the insulin producing pancreas tires and insulin can no longer effectively store sugars in the body. Persistently elevated blood sugars can result in numerous complications such as blindness, kidney disease and nerve damage. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between type 2 diabetes and obesity (that explains a lot to his royal fatness). The cornerstone of diabetic management is through dietary changes, exercise and weight reduction.

A specialized nurse will make report of my body skills
Chances are that if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, my doctor recommended that I should change my diet, exercise more and lose weight. A way to find out how many calories I need to meet in my weight loss goals I need to visit a specialised nurse who wil explain me what to do diet wise exercise and how to change my lifestyle and how to use the calorie calculator!
It sounds easy when you put it like that, but the truth is that weight loss is not easy and your complete rythm of life will be turned around. The benefits of losing weight are numerous and for the diabetic patient it means better glucose control and fewer diabetic complications. The good news is that even a modest reduction in weight can have significant effects on your sugar readings. While most patients do not need to be convinced of all the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight, it is sometimes difficult to find motivation and stick with a plan.

My diabetes will be monitored for several months after that I have to do it myself.
Many people become overwhelmed and simply want the learn ways to lose weight fast.
Weighing in on Weight Loss Gimmicks
Every patient has different weight loss goals but while the number of pounds that need to be lost may vary, most people agree that they want to know how to lose weight and how to lose belly fat. (my biggest enemy lives on my belly) Unfortunately, there are many different weight loss gimmick plans out there that prey on that very mindset.

This might be the scenario if we do not change my lifestyle
Many of these weight loss methods are expensive and require that you eat purchased foods or drinks. Some of these plans have elaborate ways of keeping track of foods and restricting what you can eat. Other diets sell you special concoctions that promise to help you lose weight while you eat whatever you want. The bad news is that most of these diets are great ways of thinning your wallet and not much more than that.
When I asked him what is the fastest way to lose weight, he answerred my answer isn’t always popular. The bad news is that most of these fast diets and weight loss methods are unreliable and do not keep the weight off for the long term. It’s not difficult because the best weight loss methods involve simple math!
The Secret to Weight Loss is Simple Math!

Weight Loss: Calories In < Calories Out
No Change: Calories In = Calories Out
Weight Gain: Calories In > Calories Out
Pretty straightforward right? It should be no secret that if you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. The same goes for losing weight. Burn more calories than you take in! This doesn’t mean that you have to exercise constantly to burn 2000 calories because your body requires energy just to function.
Check out an online calculator to find out how many calories you burn without exercise. This information will help you to determine the proper amount of calories that you need. If you pay attention to this information and monitor your caloric intake, you will find that watching calories is a powerful weight loss tool.
One of the quickest ways to lose weight and keep it off is to seriously commit to changing your way of thinking about food and exercise. We live in a society that thrives on excess. The food on our plates is no exception. If you think that what is served to you at most restaurants is a serving, you’re sadly mistaken.
Looking for the quickest way to lose weight may sound appealing but the reality is that many of the latest dieting fads will send you on a rollercoaster ride. Losing 1-2 pounds per week is considered safe weight loss. Set small goals with realistic timelines and celebrate these achievements. And my biggest horror is quiting smoking as that means normally gaining weight. My doc said that this is something that is bad for me but I should do that in a later stadium when all the other things are in place and I have suitable rythm again.

My favourite thing to do eventhough it is deadly
For people living with diabetes, reducing your weight and improving your learning more about diabetic diets that work will greatly improve your sugars and hemoglobin a1c blood test. You will also notice an improvement in your blood pressure (that was surprisingly good) and cholesterol. These simple changes can have lasting effects and prevent the progression of complications of diabetes. So let us see what the future will bring.
From today this will be a sugar free blog and for the rest things will be the same as always.
The Old Sailor,