Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

August 12, 2008

Navigation of Vaginazi

This blog was also posted in Dutch on june 20, 2008

Dear blogger,

All of a sudden the memories of last years holiday are popping into my head.
It is that time of year again, we are going on a holiday, a kind of car rally with two wining and fighting kids on the backseat.
And this is for many of us a yearly repeating ritual.
Luckely for me that I am allergic to everything that is called camping misery. Cocclusion no draggingmobile (caravan) for me.

The first heat is the roll play as this: I drive, my wife reads the map.
Somewhere along the way we drove in the wrong direction, but what the heck it is traffic jams all over.
Luckely we printed a clear route discription and this we will follow as good as possible.
Completely against all the instrictions given on the routeplanner that we have used, she decides all of a sudden that we have to take a left turn and............yes she knows it for sure.

It nearly becomes a serious fight, but wisely i am biting my lip and remeber that every comment that i want to give, might lead us towards a divorce.
From this moment the atmosphere is suffacated and the rest of the holidays i can forget about sex.(I am not even allowed to think about it.)
Everything that goes wrong from now on is my fault and I was the one that has planned this, so it is my problem.

It is so lovely and relaxing this so called holiday feeling.
For the next laps to come, we have decided that she will drive and I will read the map.
In the darkest hour of the night we finally found our destination.
Also the weather is the following days not my best friend as it is only pooring with rain, rain and nothing else but rain, even the locals have never ever experienced so much shitty weather.
Now can women do a lot of things but reading maps is a disaster.

I close my eyes and go to sleep….And get lost in pleasant way if i have to drive somewhere.
I am now seriously planning to buy a Tomtom.(Navigationbrand)

My wish for everybody: "have a lovely holiday season."

The Old Sailor,

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