Showing posts with label ground. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ground. Show all posts

September 5, 2009

At the bottom of our existence

Dear Bloggers,

It takes a while before you realize how formative the landscape may be where you are born and raised.
You see this perhaps the best in nostalgia, with people who languish because they - for whatever reason - have left their homes.
It is sometimes astonishing to see where they desire to return.

I have a really beautiful place to live but I do not feel at home here.
We have not done badly and now live in a semi-attached house in Lippenhuizen.
I look out on the forward at a few houses and a field with a pond, a playground is located just 2 streets away, a primary school and a village shop within walking distance - some people would kill for that kind of environment.
Although this is not the thing for me, I think

But this man longs for his homeland and the emotion took me along and my mind was already there.
We see one and another in our mind, a tiny village on a lake.
This is where I grew up and where life still radiates purity.
Already dreaming I suddenly woke up and felt tired and displaced.
Could this be part of all my complaints and problems, because I have never really been happy here. I'm homesick for my homeland.

It does not apply to everyone equally: but the ground where we were born, represents us.
You have landpeople, city people, village people, waterrats, desert riders, mountain goats and so on.
I am a real waterat and now I live in the dry woodland. The area is beautiful, but in my view it is oppressive.

In the Dutch “Van Dale” dictionary, I find the word ground and here I do not find what I seek, then I look at the word bodem and here I find the definitions:
bodem de; m -s; -pje 1 (van tonnen, manden, kisten, glazen) vlak dat op de grond rust: iems verwachtingen de ~ inslaan ze vernietigen; iets tot op de ~ uitzoeken zeer grondig; een dubbele ~ een tweede, niet direct merkbare betekenis 2 schip: oorlogsbodem 3 bedding, vaste ondergrond: de ~ vd zee 4 aardkorst, aardoppervlakte 5 grondgebied: op Hollandse ~
Yes it is here and what can I do with them, I can try to dissect my homesickness in simple language and words.

The researcher became awake again.
And my language is again somehow more inventive.
Because of expectations you have can be running ground.
You can dig something out to the bottom.
And we can lose ground in our excistence, you can go to the bottom of your forces, and many of us keep things in the bottom of our hearts.

To explain the last phrase of Dale writes:? In the deepest of our hearts where the deepest, most secret desires are and hidden affections.
There it is... In the depths of our soul, our personal land there sits the homesickness, now I'm convinced.

Nostalgia for landscapes, nostalgia for a certain time - usually to what it once was.
If it was not sounding so poetic; Dramatically sounded, I would say: This is the soil for the landscapes of our soul.

And the neatest is that landscapes look different for everyone.

The Old Sailor,

Why did I become more emotional and cry more as I get older?

  Dear Bloggers, I have noticed that as I have aged (now 56), I cry so much more easily than I did when I was younger. I wonder why this is...