December 13, 2023

A Diabetic Christmas


Dear Bloggers,

Merry Christmas does not have to come with stress. Since you have read the first “Another Christmas” blog, you are already done purchasing gifts, enjoying the top three projects your family enjoys at this time of year and are now on to planning your Christmas meal.

If you are one of the 2/3rd’s of the world that lives on more than €1.00 a day, you are lucky and will be having a very Merry Christmas, indeed. Let’s keep our focus on blessings.

Christmas dinner does not have to be extravagant or stressful. Divide the courses up among your guests and be thankful for whatever they will bring. Bake ahead of time and freeze your items. If you have family traditions, be sure to begin including your children in the preparations, or that tradition will not be living onward. If someone brought a dish {I can’t eat seafood} that you do not prefer and left it for you? Take it to a neighbor or a good friend, as someone will enjoy that time and it saves money and effort. As a diabetic I have to let things go and eat as healthy as possible.

Enjoy setting a table that looks like the one above? Go for it! Don’t enjoy it? Don’t! The food will taste the same on whatever plate you use. No one enjoys cleaning up extra plates, silverware, etcetera.…..Remember, Jesus was born in a manger and they had no place to go as everyone was traveling and they had barely anything to get by.

As for New Year’s, there is an old saying that whatever you are doing at the stroke of midnight will be what you will be doing most of the next year. Family game night, friends and family over for games and celebrating or just sleeping at your normal times sounds like a great evening! There is a lot of drinking going on out there, so an overnight party with breakfast in the morning for you crew sounds like a safe and nutritional choice!

Above all, cherish your family and friends at this time of year. Count your blessings! Eat whatever you can and enjoy real food, relax and have a little dessert.

Have a Merry Christmas,

The Old Sailor,


October 29, 2023

The Sea keeps calming me


Dear Bloggers,    


I remember very well when I was a little boy, from the back seat of our car, I used to eagerly look forward to admiring the wide sea once we reached the coast for our very few trips during the holidays. It is where I went every year with my parents as being the youngest little bloke in our family. Quite an adventure every time. The North Sea stood (and still stands) for freedom, sun and beach. In short, full enjoyment, as it should be.

The sea therefore impresses me like few other things in nature. The way it stretches endlessly, far beyond the horizon. And swerve both left and right as far as your eyes allow you to look. And then what to think of the force in which the waves make their way towards the mainland, towards the beach, all with that lovely soothing sound of the moving sea current. Lovely, isn't it?

My love for the sea has only increased with age, you learn to appreciate even more the beauty and power of nature.


All that said, I headed out later in life to get some demons in my head under control and no this did not succeed at first. Feeling homesick and overcome with feelings of deep-seated fears literally surfaced. It was living Hell. As a result, I stepped down again from my career as a sailor, but the salty water had touched my brain and a few months later I boarded a cruise ship I took a flight to Venice to join the ships crew. I had to gain some confidence and income for our family. And yes again, I was not having a good time and after the first contract I stepped away again I was missing my girlfriend and it didn't earn very well either. Luck was with me because at the ferry service where I had worked they were again looking for staff. This is where my sea career began to take shape and nowadays I have been with them for nearly fifteen years..

Every time I drive to the coast, I always find a unique seaside resort or a small cafe overlooking the sea. The coast is often beautiful and there is also sometimes a natural transition between beach and dunes. Unspoiled nature. Meters high dunes with natural vegetation, so nice to go for a walk or having  a cozy picnic.

Sea dykes and sky-high buildings often prevent the natural course of things in other seaside resorts, and once you have tasted the splendor of nature as it is supposed to be, you won't be able to prove us wrong.

The first 2-3 hours after our arrival were spent walking with our 2 Shelties through and along the dunes and on the beach. A nice breath of fresh air in a rather tight sea breeze, your head completely empty of thoughts, but all under a nice smiling autumn sun.

We walked towards the North, a few kilometer’s away, step by step against the wind gusts.

A kilometer or so from the Centre of Callantsoog along the line separating the beach from the beginning of the dunes, you can find nice little shops and restaurants on the village square. On the beach, some of the beach pavilions are open all year round, so even in autumn and winter this is paradise for both the passionate wind and kite surfers and for those who want to enjoy a drink near the sea. We are definitely the latter, by the way, and we enjoyed the summer cocktail while admiring the unbelievably clever tricks the sea sport enthusiasts showed to passers-by and others like us. Enjoying the good life, but a little better!


After our rest and enjoying the beautiful view, we left the pavilion and continued our walk. Enjoying the sun sinking deeper and deeper. We felt free and relaxed. A beautiful sunset turned out to be the icing on the cake of a great day spent on and around the dunes and beach. Our dogs go totally wild as they are running down the coastline.


On the culinary front, by the way, we had picked some things in advance that we absolutely wanted to tick off our gastronomic 'bucket-list'. The North Sea and fisheries are inextricably linked. So yes, we spent our evening in Callantsoog going for two typical, delectable dishes in which the fruits of the sea played a starring role: delicious freshly made shrimp croquettes as a starter, an appetizer that made our taste buds gurgle with pleasure. Unfortunately, I can only sit there and watch my wife feast on these treats from the sea. I am unfortunately allergic to seafood at least a substance found in most of them. Fortunately for me, the menu has plenty of alternatives.

And after that? Oh yes, an authentically Dutch main meal in the form of far-sea sirloin steak with a sauce of your choice accompanied by baked Jerusalem apples and fresh vegetables. Delicious!


However, all great songs and weekends always come to an end. After our very successful day out in Callantsoog, we went out again to enjoy the sea breeze and the incredibly beautiful dune landscape one last time, here in the province called North Holland.

Callantsoog is super-touristic but still one of the few seaside resorts on the Dutch North Sea coast where the dunes and beach still flow into each other undisturbed (and oh so beautifully). It yields such beautiful views. To fall in love with... and to stay. Hope to see you soon.


The Old Sailor,

October 1, 2023

Selling your home can be pretty stressful


Dear Bloggers,

 Yes we are moving again and our house is for sale at the current time. And no we did not find a new place yet although we are having a Plan B to live somewhere in a holiday park for the time in between homes. We did a lot of work to make it our forever home and yes we succeeded pretty much. There are some points that still need attention for example the bathroom needs to be redone to make things more into todays color schemes. That is something for the new owners to do. Our house


Our current home is for sale 

Selling a home can be stressful from start to finish. There's so much riding on a home sale that many homeowners spend the time selling their home sitting "on pins and needles," as they say. It's hard not to worry. From the moment that a home is put up for sale, homeowners must ask themselves: what will we do if the home doesn't sell for enough money? What if it takes to long sell? These questions and concerns are valid.


Everything outside the house was freshly painted last year by my wife

Fortunately, there are things that you can do to make the home selling process go more smoothly. If you're a homeowner who would like to sell your home sometime in the coming months, you can make the process easier on yourself by working with a professional real estate agent. Below, I've listed the top 10 stressors that homeowners experience when trying to sell their home.

The new staircase was installed

Selling Within the Timeframe

Most homeowners need to sell their home on a deadline. If they can't sell their home by the time their new job begins, or by the time they've started to pay the mortgage on their new property, they could experience hardship that could lead to loss of money. Homes tend to sell quickly at certain times of the year. Putting the house up for sale at a time of year when buyers are looking can help the home sell faster. Homeowners can also help their home sell more quickly by pricing the house right.


New powerlines, telephone, gas and also the sewagepipes were renewed

A house that is priced too high for its worth could take a long time to attract the right buyer, and may never attract the right buyer if it remains priced too high. Incorrect pricing can be avoided by working with a real estate professional who understands the real estate market in the area and who knows how to analyze the prices of comparable homes in the area.


Selling for the Desired Price

Most home sellers have a target price they're aiming for when they put their house on the market. They often feel anxiety when they wonder what will happen if they don't sell their home for the right price. When an offer comes in below the expected price, this can create feelings of hesitation. Do they accept the offer or not? This is another reason to work with a real estate professional who knows how to analyze the price of comparable homes in the area. 

The rebuilding of the garage after being on fire as the powerlines were not installed according to standards. everything inside was burned. 

A capable real estate professional can help set expectations so homeowners know what to expect when they put their home on the market. Although a real estate professional is not able to predict the future, they can often help homeowners decide what price is realistic, so hopefully the homeowner won't be expecting a price that is much higher than it should be.


Handling Home Improvements & Home Selling Preparation

Homeowners often feel a lot of pressure to make their house look "perfect" without really knowing what buyers want. They often put effort into home improvements without knowing whether those improvements will pay off.


Homeowners can assuage these concerns by setting up a consultation with their real estate professional before listing their home. Their real estate professional can give them advice that can help them decide what home improvements are most important to do now.


The garden has been finished and landscaped this year a costful operation

Fear of Offers Falling Through

Once an offer does come through, it takes a while before the home is officially sold. During that time, the offer can always fall through. Homeowners who are in a hurry to sell their home quickly often feel anxiety that they will not be able to stop the offer from falling apart. A good real estate professional can help with any negotiations that could prevent the home sale from falling apart. An experienced negotiator can help keep buyers interested. Even if their enthusiasm for the home buying process begins to wane.

All the walls have been redone as the former owners only lived here for 40+ Years

Timing the Sale of the Home with the Purchase of a New One

Selling a home and buying a home at the same time can be an especially touchy process. Usually, home sellers want to sell the home shortly before the purchase of their new home is final. Home sellers often feel worry that their home will either sell too soon before the purchase of their new home, or that their home will take a long time to sell after their new home has been bought. Both situations can lead to financial hardship for the homeowner. Homeowners who want to time the sale of their new home purchase properly should work with an experienced real estate professional for both the sale of their old home and the purchase of their new home. Having a partner who can help them at both ends of the transaction can help with the timing.

We had to put in a new kitchen as well as the wooden floor was in that bad condition that you actually could fall through. We now have foam concrete floor with underfloor heating. Best decission i made

Anxiety Over the Unknowns in the Selling Process & Timeline

Lack of control over the selling process and timeline can make some homeowners feel like they're out of control generally, which can lead to overall feelings of anxiety. Homeowners who feel anxiety over the home selling process and timeline should write down a list of questions for their real estate professional at the start of the home selling process to help them feel like they know what to expect throughout the transaction. It's important to find a real estate agent who is a good communicator, who can help the home seller understand what's happening throughout the home selling process. Most home sellers have a greater feeling of control over the selling process if they know what to anticipate every step of the way.

Our diningroom and coffee kitchen counter we had plenty to remodel this to our home.

Being Unsure if Buyers are Interested

Sometimes when a house sits on the market for a long time, home sellers may become concerned that buyers are not interested in their house. This can happen for many reasons. If the house is priced incorrectly, or if the house is not in good condition, then buyers can be hard to bring to the table. Often, sellers find it hard to believe that their home is not attractive to buyers. Sellers expect their house to be attractive to buyers because it is attractive to the sellers. This kind of perspective can make it difficult for sellers to make their home more appealing to buyers. Sometimes, painting a room can be helpful. Other times, the house needs to be repriced. For home sellers, the best way to attract buyers is to work with a real estate professional who can make recommendations for repairs or changes that can bring buyers running.


The bathroom stayed in her retro look all the pipes have been checked by a pro, so everything is functional but out of date. 

Handling Negotiations with Buyers

Negotiating with buyers is one of the key parts of selling a home, but many homeowners have little or no experience selling much of anything. This makes negotiating with buyers stressful because most home sellers feel unprepared and unable to handle the negotiations themselves. The best thing that home sellers can do to negotiate with their buyers is to work with a trustworthy real estate professional. It's also important to listen to that real estate professional as they often give advice to sellers. However, it is the seller who is ultimately in control of many of the actions that the real estate professional takes when trying to sell the house. Working together as a team, the real estate professional and home seller can help make the negotiating process better overall.


Our backyard and garage we loved to sit outside during the summertime

Difficulty Keeping the Home Clean for Showings

Sometimes, it takes several home showings before a buyer makes an offer on a home. In between those tours and showings, home sellers often spend hours cleaning and staging their house. This can lead to wasted time, stress over keeping the house looking its best, and even fights among people in the household as everyone feels pressure to keep their house looking its best.

For many homeowners, the solution to staging and preparing the house between home showings is to have the house professionally cleaned on a regular basis. Some homeowners will even hire landscapers to cut their grass, water their plants and weed their garden to boost curb appeal. Having professional resources on hand can help reduce the anxiety out of maintaining a home.


The Masterbedroom Which is for Dutch standards not to bad.

It's also helpful to work with a real estate professional. A capable and skilled real estate professional can make recommendations that can help homeowners know where to direct their energy when staging their home. This can help homeowners feel some sense of relief that, even if their home is not in perfect condition when home buyers come to see the home, the house is still tailored to the needs and tastes of home buyers. This can help make the experience of preparing for home showings and tours easier overall.

Getting Out of the House for Showings

During tours and open houses, the homeowner leaves their home open for anyone who wants to come in and take a look at their possessions. For some homeowners, doing this can be very challenging. Leaving the home open for anyone to wander in means making the house vulnerable to scrutiny and perhaps even security concerns. This is not easy for some homeowners.

 There are many things that home sellers can do to assuage their own concerns. To begin with, listening to their real estate professional about staging tactics can leave the house seeming less vulnerable overall. Most staging tactics involve putting away personal items that would make the home seem a little less generic and a little more intimate. Not only does this make the house more secure, but it can also lead to bigger offers from home buyers.

In addition, it's also important to work with a real estate professional who will keep a watch over the belongings in the house while the house is being toured by potential buyers. This helps keep the items safe and can even help keep the house itself safe.


Our garage and our backyard seen from the sidewalk

Work with a Real Estate Professional

When the time comes to sell your home, the most important thing you can do to make the home selling process easier overall is to work with a real estate professional. Your real estate professional can help you by providing advice and guidance throughout the home selling process, interacting with potential buyers, and by serving as your guide while the house is being sold. 


An impression of our groundfloor done by our real estate professionals people

In most of the cases that I know as we have been viewing some new homes for many sellers " would make sense to step aside for a little fresh air and let the professionals do their magic."

By working with a real estate professional, you can alleviate much of the anxiety you might feel while the selling process is taking place.

The Old Sailor,



September 4, 2023

Nature is beautiful and it is not on your cellphone



Dear Bloggers,


Today driving the commuter bus through the beautiful country sides of Groningen and Drenthe both districts have lovely roads that are surrounded by nature. I saw a squirrel on the bicycle lane and a young female deer that just crossed the road and all my passengers simply missed this as they were to busy with their phones.

As we become more and more detached from nature, we start to realize how much we depend on it. Nature is our primal home, our roots, and our remedy to heal our soul. In search of valuable lessons in life, we ask for wisdom, experience, knowledge, and intuition. And who’s been around in this world longer than mother nature? Everything comes from the Earth and goes back to it.

Thinking about the fascinating effects nature has on our mind and body, I’ve decided to reflect on what lessons nature can teach us.

Nature is flexible and resilient. Flora and fauna tend to adapt to the conditions they’re in. For example, take something as fragile as a leaf. Its flexibility is what helps it endure. If there’s a lot of sun in the area, the leaves of a particular plant will be smaller, thicker, and will change their pigmentation. Leaves growing in the shade, on the other hand, will be larger, greener, and thinner, so they could absorb more sunlight. Flexibility and adaptability are two things all life has in common–plants and animals alike. Water lilies are aquatic plants that mostly feed on water nutrients, but they get the necessary amount of sunlight by stretching out their leaves to the surface of the water. Saguaro cactuses can stand to go for months without a drop of water in the desert. Flexibility and fluidity are what makes us strong. The ability to adapt quickly and take what’s best for us is an important ability.


Nature knows what’s good for her. In the world of nature, everything revolves around self-preservation and reproduction. Plants need sunlight, soil, and water to survive, while animals strive to feed themselves and their young. These processes help preserve the ideal balance in their habitats. Thanks to its cycles, nature succeeds at balancing its constructive and destructive tendencies. As humans, we have a strong potential to be constructive. We are creative, able to connect   with each other, and live through life-changing experiences. We can become fused with nature. We can also enjoy our solitude. But, sometimes, our destructive side can dominate within us, and we might engage in things that are harmful to us or our environment.

By listening to our intuition, developing a growth mindset, and doing the inner work, we will be able to understand our intentions, values, and purpose better, recognize and respond to our emotions adequately, and maintain a balanced life.


Nature is ever-changing. As the daily, monthly, and yearly cycles change, everything in nature changes, too. Leaves change their color, flowers turn into fruits, some animals sleep throughout the whole winter, and when they wake up, it’s spring again. Time for a new beginning. We, on the other hand, cling to things. We want to eat fresh tomatoes and lettuce in wintertime. We want to stay young forever. The fact that we’ve evolved to this level of self-awareness is both a blessing and a curse.

It’s a blessing because we are able to experience so much, have fun, and change the world by our ideas, but it’s a curse because, at the end of the day, that’s what makes us aware of our own mortality. We can find it difficult to embrace change even when we deeply desire it because change reminds us that everything is transient. What we need to learn is that that is a good thing. Accepting change makes us more adaptable, and that sets us free.

Nature is never in a rush. Nature never hurries, and yet, everything is accomplished sooner or later. When you spend time in nature, by the sea, in the forest, or in the desert, you’ll notice nothing really happens in a rush. On the other hand, human beings are always in a hurry. We overload ourselves with work that we can’t fit into 24 hours and then we get stressed out. Stop for a moment. Breathe. Disconnect in order to reconnect with yourself. Set your priorities and change your life’s tempo.

In nature, everything has a purpose. Humans tend to value nature and things in general by the level to which they help their own survival. This kind of fixed, self-serving attitude is how we’ve managed to endanger so many species that are crucial for the survival of a healthy ecosystem (like bees, for example). If we observe nature more closely, we’d come to realize that everything in it has a purpose. Every single movement is geared towards preserving the homeostasis within the system. Some animals feed on other animals, but they never eat every potential prey. This has the purpose of maintaining a balanced habitat and ecosystem.

Humans sometimes spend their entire lives trying to find their purpose in life. We think that it must be something very deep and difficult to comprehend, so we often focus on the wrong things, like thinking that work and career are everything and that our purpose can only be accomplished if we succeed professionally.

 What we often forget is that there is so much more to life. We can sometimes seemingly do nothing, like lying on the grass gazing at the stars, or chilling by a lake on a hot summer day, and this can suddenly give us a sense of meaning and purpose. How? Because our purpose hides in things that are closer or inherent to our nature: connection to other beings and nature, creating and executing ideas, helping others find their happiness, and genuinely enjoying life.


What goes around, comes around. In nature, everything circles back to where it came from. All the actions have their natural consequences. If you know how the system works, it’s not too difficult to figure out what the right thing to do is. This is something we often forget in life. We can’t just do whatever we want. For example, living a careless life in which we don’t care about our environment has to backfire sooner or later. Irresponsible consumption, lack of care for our personal environment, and lack of sustainability consciousness and sustainability practices in many industries have led to the environmental changes we are facing today. The principle of endless circulating of energy applies to everything. Whatever we do, positive or negative, it will eventually come back at us. People who are genuinely happy and satisfied with their life are the ones who change this world, by empowering and supporting other human beings find their meaning and joy.

An ocean is a sum of water particles. We often feel alone in this world. This can make us anxious, lost, and disconnected from our purpose in life. In nature, every individual thing is a part of a larger system. An ocean is a sum of the many waterdrops, and each drop is equally important in making an ocean what it is. Humans are no different. After all, we, too, are nature. Each and every one of us has a role in this Universe, no one is “a surplus.”

Nature is collaborative. More often than not, surviving in nature means collaborating with other members of the same species or even with other species. It’s not survival of the fittest–it’s survival of the most adaptable. Humans sometimes forget about the importance of working in groups. Our current society teaches us mostly about the values of individual success. So many people want to be the best, the number one, the game-changers. Many of us fear blending in with the crowd, so we want to stand out, be seen, and be remembered.

Spending time in nature makes us better humans. It helps us relax, disconnect, and discover the depth of life. Nature is also an incredible and wise teacher. Unless the human factor changes the balance of a certain natural habitat, in nature, everything functions flawlessly and in perfect harmony.

All elements of nature are resilient in their flexibility; they’re intuitive; they take their time; they have a purpose. There are so many useful takeaways from our primary home–nature. It’s the matter of paying attention and acknowledging those lessons that nature teaches us.


The Old Sailor.


Why did I become more emotional and cry more as I get older?

  Dear Bloggers, I have noticed that as I have aged (now 56), I cry so much more easily than I did when I was younger. I wonder why this is...