March 12, 2011

Sorry we are closed today

Dear Bloggers,

Today I am taking a day off to celebrate another year that lies past me.

Some would call it the day of the big things that came to us. On of the first things that i remember is that we switched from normal black and white to colour television, and we could receive more channels and we had a telephone as not everyone had a phoneline yet. I got my first bicycle and later a moped. And I was able to vote and get my driving licences. I took the decession to go sailing as there was not that much work at the time. We bought our first house and got our children. I have to say that in those 15.705 days that I am on this cruel planet.

As there were also bad things that i remember Martin Luther King was killed, the Vietnam war, the hazardous fire on the Scandinavian Star, the disaster with the Herald of Free Enterprise, the fireworks explosion at Enschede, the attack on the twin towers, the tsunami in Indonesia and her surrounding countries and of course things that happened just around me that loved ones past away from us.

It left happy memories and some deep scars in my inner person.

“Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had, and what you've learned from them, and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.”

Here are some facts that might be seen as useful information to some of my readers but maybe it isn’t.

· You are exactly 43 years 1 week 2 days 9 hours 40 minutes 57 seconds old.

· You will receive your next birthday gift in 14 hours 19 minutes 3 seconds later.

· If your hair were never cut since 13.March.1968, it would be 6.266 m. today.

· If your nails were never cut since 13.March.1968, they would be 1.555 m. today.

· An apple tree seeded on 13.March.1968, bore 3,818.536 kg. apple till today. Its contribution to economy is €15,236.0 and it fed 6,407 people. We hope that in your life you, as a human being, achieved more than that poor apple tree.


  1. Van Harte gefeliciteerd nog Old Sailor,
    hoop dat u een hele fijne dag had,
    ik heb een stukje van de heerlijke taart mee genomen,

    ik dacht dat het vandaag was , maar foutje van me dus,
    heb nog even op het logje van vorig jaar gekeken,
    dan had ik het toen denk ik ook fout,

    de getallen hier boven reken ik niet na hoor,
    de Old Sailor kennende klopt het vast wel;-))

    Eet smakelijk straks,
    en nog een fijne avond,
    groetjes que.

  2. Geachte Vrouwe Que,
    Allereerst excuses voor de late reactie maar ik heb nog niet eerder een kans gezien om te beantwoorden. Maar dank voor de verjaarswensen van uw zijde. En dat het een dag te laat was neem ik niemand kwalijk ik ben niet een kniesoor wat dat soort dingen aangaat.
    Fijn weekend


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